Tech Arsenal 1
Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO
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This is a Data Base template that can be used with The Wizard(c)
Data Base program for keeping a Book database. The template includes
a IMAGE field, which means that you can use this field to list the name
of an image file. Then you can press a key in the Wizard to display
that graphic image on your screen. The Template also has a SOUND field
which means that you can list a SOUND file in this field and then
press a key from The Wizard(c) to hear your sound file. Feel free to
make any modifications to this Template that you would like and Upload
your own version to a nearby BBS, but please make sure to give it a
different name.
FILES WITH THESE! You will lose all of your current DATA!!!!!
If you're not sure if you have this TEMPATE you should copy these files
into their own directory and then run the Wizard(c) to view them or
Template to modify them.
The information for The Wizard(c) Data Base and The Wizard(c)
Template Editor are listed below:
You will find The Wizard(c) Data Base program available on most major
BBS's. It will be in a file titled WIZARDxx.ZIP where xx stand for
the current version number. You should obtain a copy of this file so
you can use the template(s) included here!
You will find The Wizard(c) Template Editor program available on most
major BBS's. It will be in a file titled WIZTPLxx.ZIP where xx stand
for the current version number. You should also obtain a copy of this
file so you can try out editing and creating your own Templates!
If you cannot find The Wizard(c) or The Wizard(c) Template Editor
on your local BBS, please inform your SYSOP to get a copy.
If you would like to order The Wizard(c) and the Template Editor
directly you can do that by filling out and mailing in the form
at the end of this document.
What is The WIZARD(c) Data Base?
The Wizard(c) Data Base and it's companion The Wizard(c)
Template Editor allow you to create your own Multi-Media
Data Bases! The goal was to create a Data Base that would
allow the user to do several tasks that would make it easy to locate
and print data and DISPLAY graphics files and HEAR sound file
selections from the Data Base. This Data Base was designed
to be feasible for everyone. Here are the main features of The
1.) Simple entry of all data in the user's own format
including extensive Notes (64K byte) if required.
2.) Plays back SOUND selections from the data by
allowing the definition of a SOUND Data Base field.
Plays the SOUND files from the most popular sound
cards on the market, Sound Blaster, Sound Master II
and on the internal speaker using Covox Sound Master
II files
3.) Displays IMAGES from the users data in several
formats, from a IMAGE field in the Data Base.
Displays all popular graphics files including GIF,
4.) Creates custom printouts of data in the Data Base in
any format that the user desires.
5.) Allows the user to easily SEARCH the database
for data from any field in the database.
6.) Allows sorting on any field in the database.
7.) Zoomable Memo field.
What is The Wizard(c) Template Editor?
Here are the main features of The Wizard(c) Template Editor:
1.) Easy entry and creation of new Templates that can
be used by The Wizard(c) Data Base.
2.) Ability to size and relocate pop-up entry fields that
are used by The Wizard(c) Data Base.
3.) Auto conversion of previous data files if the data
field types are changed.
4.) Ability to move any field around the screen, and to
paint a screen, as easily as possible.
5.) Allow the user to paint a MEMO field on the screen at
any location simply and easily.
6.) Let the user change the order of the fields as they
are entered from The Wizard(c) Data Base program.
The software was written specifically for IBM
PC's and 100% compatibles and it will function on any
compatible machine as long as that machine is 100% IBM
To run this software, you will need an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2
or compatible computer with a minimum of 640K of memory and a
hard disk.
There is no warranty of any kind (express or implied) related
to this product, including without limitation any implied
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. The copyright owner/author may not be held liable
for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or
similar damages due to loss of data or for any other reason
including any loss of profit or other damages arising out of
or because of an inability to use the software. By using the
software you agree to this. The person using the software
bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the
Copyright Brett A. Simpson, 1992, All Rights Reserved
1798O Tollview Drive
South Bend, IN 46635-1320
Registration information:
To order send $49.00 in US funds payable to Brett Simpson
and the following page to the address listed above, foreign
orders add $5.00 please.
Please register me for ____ copies of The Wizard(c) (includes
Data Base and Template Editor) at $49.00 each.
Send me The Wizard(c) in the following disk format 3 1/2" ___ or
5 1/4" ___
Where I got my Unregistered version of The Wizard(c) from _________.
Here's my address information:
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: ____ Zip:_______
Country: __________________________
I intend on using The Wizard the most for ____________________
My most favorite Wizard feature is _______________________
My LEAST favorite Wizard feature is ______________________
What I'd like to see added to Wizard _____________________
Type of Computer I have __________, Hard Disk Size ________,
Video Type & Resolution __________, Sound Card ____________.
Please digitize ___ enclosed images at $5.00 US each = _______
Specify Resolution and Colors! (MAX 640x480 256 Color)
Please digitize ___ enclosed sounds at $4.00 US each = _______
Specify Compression and Sampling rate, and Sound Card!